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»Interesting facts meet interesting ideas«
»Interesting facts meet
interesting ideas«

Hauff-Technik INDIA officially opened!

Hauff-Technik INDIA was opened in a festive ceremony on 20 February 2025 in Hyderabad. The opening marks a significant step in the company's expansion in the Indian market.

‘We are excited to gain a foothold in India and offer our customers here high-quality products and services,’ …

O’zapft is (in London)

Traditional German food and beverages combined with updates on the latest Hauff-Technik developments. That is how you can summarise our first Oktoberfest customer day in London that took place at October 17th. 
Together with partners and customers we started the day talking about …

Meet us at Data Centre World London!

Data Centre World London is an event where innovation meets infrastructure. According to the official website it is the world’s largest gathering of industry professionals and end-users.

This fair is a perfect fit for us as we offer a variety of products for data centres like the Hatefl …
Gebäude der Hauff-Technik Tochtergesellschaft Hauff-Technik UNITED KINGDOM Ltd. in Chesterfield

Hauff-Technik puts down roots in the UK

With the new subsidary in Chesterfield in the heart of England, we are strengthening our sales activities in United Kingdom.
Today we are establishing the next national company: Hauff-Technik UNITED KINGDOM Ltd. The establishment of a further subsidiary is intended to respond more …
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